Tuesday 29 September 2015

Vogue Cover Analysis

Age: 25-40  
"fighting for gun control", women interested in politics or these circumstances would usually be of this age. Main image, Beyonce Knowles is not heavily sexualised and looks classy. She is about 35 alike the intended audience. "how to repair winter-damaged skin". Usually women of this age tend to struggle with easily damaged skin and are conscious of how their skin looks and starts to age.

Gender: Female
Colour connotations, white-purity innocence. Red-sex, power, strength. Female main image, not sexualised but more there to admire. Language used such as "chic" and "sexy" appeal to females.

Socio-Economic Grouping: C1, B and A
Quite expensive magazine, delicately structured and advertised clothing and items of a high price range (designer). Discusses matters such as politics and fashion.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

BBC's The Gamechanger Analysis

Scene begins with a crane shot at night time of a busy city. A time lapse throughout the night is shown which exaggerates the movement of city life. The buildings look as if in a busy city such as New York or London. Non diegetic sound (a newsreader) is heard over the shot and then changes to diegetic as it cuts to the newsreader speaking about a video game, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
The newsreader has an American accent which confirms the location. It is a young, very attractive woman speaking with a positive attitude about the game, promoting it. The fat that she is attractive would make the game look more appealing.
There is now a view of the game; it shows a male character recklessly driving, running over people, and blowing cars up. These aspects of the game were chosen and put into the news to make it look immediately more dramatic and enticing to buyers. The fact that the game stars a male main character, would attract males to play the game as they can relate to the character.
We then see a man (Daniel Radcliffe) watching the news in his living room. The room is dimly lit, making it appear to have a gloomy and unhappy atmosphere. The male is dressed in scruffy inexpensive clothing, has a large bears and looks as if he doesn't have much self pride. The room looks considerably messy, the items around the room do not look expensive and it is a considerably small front room. There are books stacked up around the room indicating that he may be a student or studying something.  Combined, these aspects make me feel as a watcher, that he is perhaps a student or is of working class. There are game controllers next to the TV; these show a link between the male and why he is watching what he is.
There is a close up zoom on the man's face. His facial expressions show he is transfixed on what he is watching. This is so as he is chewing his breakfast quickly and firmly as if he is concentrating or thinking about something specific. He is also staring, without blinking, at the television. This shows that something about what is on the TV has interested him or relates to him in some way.
The man then gets up and picks up his bike on the wall. This shows he may not be able to afford to drive which supports the idea of him not being a high class.
Him picking up his bike shows a sudden realisation or decision after watching the programme on the TV. Text on the screen is seen as he does this saying "28th October 2002" confirming the time period in which this happened.
White text is now shown on a black screen saying "This is based on a true story". This may possibly be for enigma as it is drip feeding you information. True stories tend to have more of a dramatic effect as it is actually real and can shock the audience. This builds suspense and tension. The fact that it is a true story draws you in to see what happens.
Non diegetic sound is now heard again of the newsreaders as the man cycles down the road. There is still a gloomy and negative atmosphere as the lighting is dim. I believe this to be set at early morning just before the sun is rising.

-Non diegetic sound of newsreaders voice as man cycles down road
-Gloomy atmosphere, area looks lifeless and boring due to lighting.
-objects (cars/buildings) become animated to represent the game
-camera on track following eye level alongside and behind bike
-Sun begins to rise

-man enters building - dim lighting still
-man is given good news by another man and enters a fully lit room, immediately representing the mood change

Monday 21 September 2015

NWA Straight Outta Compton Audience

The audience that is intended for this film from the trailer would be males aged 16+ and possibly aimed at mostly those of an African-American heritage. This is so as the trailer seems to focus on the way African American people are targeted by the police and how the group raise awareness of this through their music. I believe the film is also intended for mostly males as the women who do appear in the trailer, are wearing just underwear and bikinis and are heavily sexualised. Looking at the socio economic model, this film would be directed at groups C2, E and D. This is so as the film shows the strive of beginning with no money and working their way up the economic ladder. This shows that the Use or Gratification for the audience would be Personal Identity. People from this ethnicity may be able to relate to the characters in the film as they may feel targeted by the police/government system. Also people in the underclass would relate to being repressed. 

Thursday 17 September 2015

Grand Theft Auto V Audience

The audience that is intended for this game is adults (18+). This is so as you cannot buy the game if you are under 18. The gender this game is targeted at is mainly male. The game shows this by exploiting female characters and presenting them sexually (wearing minimal clothing/prostitutes/strippers). Also all of the main characters are male so this would relate to the player as you control the character on the screen. Looking at the economic model, this game could possibly be directed at all adults from groups A-E, although the game seems to attract mostly teenagers aged 14-19. This game does not advertise items but advertises an unrealistic/criminal way of life so I believe this could possibly be more directed at groups C2, D and E as they may favour a criminal life more than those of above those groups. It presents behaviour that would be separated by specific wealth/class; those of a higher class/wealth would look down on such criminal behaviour and parents would not want such an un-educational and negative influence on their child/children.

The game attracts its specific audience as it carries a complex story line that children would not be able to easily follow and female characters are displayed sexually and desirable. There is minimal text so anyone will low education would not have to read much.  The Use or Gratification for the audience is Personal Identity, as the main characters are male and have a desire for money (alike most). Also it would be entertainment as the fictional use of weapons and being a criminal is found entertaining and desired by most males.

BBC CBeebies Magazine Audience

The audience that is intended for this magazine is children age 6 and under. I believe this to be directed at any gender as the colours and theme is unisex; female and male characters appear on the cover. Looking at the socio economic model, this magazine could possibly be directed at all children from groups A-E. This is so as, priced at £2.25, it is not very expensive so would be affordable to parents. Also the magazine does not advertise expensive items/technology and does not present a certain "fashion". It presents shows and games that all children would enjoy and is not separated by specific wealth/class. The text attracts this specific audience as it includes colourful and creative fonts that children would find interesting to read. Images of characters from children's TV shows are also shown which would make any child who watched those, want to purchase the magazine. The magazine would also attract parents to buy the magazine as it is a form of fun education for their child/children. Also it advertises free books which attract parents as they may want their child to be more educated.
The Use or Gratification for the audience is information as it gives education to children, and entertainment as it contains bright and colourful pictures and games the child can play. This is more of a Preferred Reading because children could learn something from this magazine.

I believe age is the key feature being represented in this magazine and I believe this to be supporting the stereotype of what children enjoy. Children are heavily stereotyped to enjoy colourful, animated, un-complex things. This represents is created through the characters (smiling, laughing, enjoying themselves) and their clothing. Bright unrealistic clothing is shown which usually a fictional character would wear.