Thursday 17 September 2015

Grand Theft Auto V Audience

The audience that is intended for this game is adults (18+). This is so as you cannot buy the game if you are under 18. The gender this game is targeted at is mainly male. The game shows this by exploiting female characters and presenting them sexually (wearing minimal clothing/prostitutes/strippers). Also all of the main characters are male so this would relate to the player as you control the character on the screen. Looking at the economic model, this game could possibly be directed at all adults from groups A-E, although the game seems to attract mostly teenagers aged 14-19. This game does not advertise items but advertises an unrealistic/criminal way of life so I believe this could possibly be more directed at groups C2, D and E as they may favour a criminal life more than those of above those groups. It presents behaviour that would be separated by specific wealth/class; those of a higher class/wealth would look down on such criminal behaviour and parents would not want such an un-educational and negative influence on their child/children.

The game attracts its specific audience as it carries a complex story line that children would not be able to easily follow and female characters are displayed sexually and desirable. There is minimal text so anyone will low education would not have to read much.  The Use or Gratification for the audience is Personal Identity, as the main characters are male and have a desire for money (alike most). Also it would be entertainment as the fictional use of weapons and being a criminal is found entertaining and desired by most males.

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