Tuesday 22 September 2015

BBC's The Gamechanger Analysis

Scene begins with a crane shot at night time of a busy city. A time lapse throughout the night is shown which exaggerates the movement of city life. The buildings look as if in a busy city such as New York or London. Non diegetic sound (a newsreader) is heard over the shot and then changes to diegetic as it cuts to the newsreader speaking about a video game, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.
The newsreader has an American accent which confirms the location. It is a young, very attractive woman speaking with a positive attitude about the game, promoting it. The fat that she is attractive would make the game look more appealing.
There is now a view of the game; it shows a male character recklessly driving, running over people, and blowing cars up. These aspects of the game were chosen and put into the news to make it look immediately more dramatic and enticing to buyers. The fact that the game stars a male main character, would attract males to play the game as they can relate to the character.
We then see a man (Daniel Radcliffe) watching the news in his living room. The room is dimly lit, making it appear to have a gloomy and unhappy atmosphere. The male is dressed in scruffy inexpensive clothing, has a large bears and looks as if he doesn't have much self pride. The room looks considerably messy, the items around the room do not look expensive and it is a considerably small front room. There are books stacked up around the room indicating that he may be a student or studying something.  Combined, these aspects make me feel as a watcher, that he is perhaps a student or is of working class. There are game controllers next to the TV; these show a link between the male and why he is watching what he is.
There is a close up zoom on the man's face. His facial expressions show he is transfixed on what he is watching. This is so as he is chewing his breakfast quickly and firmly as if he is concentrating or thinking about something specific. He is also staring, without blinking, at the television. This shows that something about what is on the TV has interested him or relates to him in some way.
The man then gets up and picks up his bike on the wall. This shows he may not be able to afford to drive which supports the idea of him not being a high class.
Him picking up his bike shows a sudden realisation or decision after watching the programme on the TV. Text on the screen is seen as he does this saying "28th October 2002" confirming the time period in which this happened.
White text is now shown on a black screen saying "This is based on a true story". This may possibly be for enigma as it is drip feeding you information. True stories tend to have more of a dramatic effect as it is actually real and can shock the audience. This builds suspense and tension. The fact that it is a true story draws you in to see what happens.
Non diegetic sound is now heard again of the newsreaders as the man cycles down the road. There is still a gloomy and negative atmosphere as the lighting is dim. I believe this to be set at early morning just before the sun is rising.

-Non diegetic sound of newsreaders voice as man cycles down road
-Gloomy atmosphere, area looks lifeless and boring due to lighting.
-objects (cars/buildings) become animated to represent the game
-camera on track following eye level alongside and behind bike
-Sun begins to rise

-man enters building - dim lighting still
-man is given good news by another man and enters a fully lit room, immediately representing the mood change

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