Monday 21 September 2015

NWA Straight Outta Compton Audience

The audience that is intended for this film from the trailer would be males aged 16+ and possibly aimed at mostly those of an African-American heritage. This is so as the trailer seems to focus on the way African American people are targeted by the police and how the group raise awareness of this through their music. I believe the film is also intended for mostly males as the women who do appear in the trailer, are wearing just underwear and bikinis and are heavily sexualised. Looking at the socio economic model, this film would be directed at groups C2, E and D. This is so as the film shows the strive of beginning with no money and working their way up the economic ladder. This shows that the Use or Gratification for the audience would be Personal Identity. People from this ethnicity may be able to relate to the characters in the film as they may feel targeted by the police/government system. Also people in the underclass would relate to being repressed. 

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