Thursday 1 October 2015

Black Swan Film Poster Analysis

Age: 18-35/40
Colour connotations of red symbolise evil or horror which may suggest that this film is aimed at minimum 18 years. Black Swan is a ballet production and as ballerina's aren't allowed to dance about around the age of 25/30, people older than that may not be that interested in it.  The main character, Natalie Portman is 34 years old, which may appeal to people of this age.

Gender: Female
An animated female character is on the poster which immediately shows that the film  is based on a female character. Also Swan's are seen as very feminine animals (elegant). Females tend to be mostly interested in watching/taking part in ballet. The colour white is related to purity and innocence, which tends to be stereotyped to female traits. Feathers are also seen which symbolise being delicate and innocent.

Socio-Economic Group: C1 and B
Ballet productions tend to be quite expensive and people in lower groups than this might not be able to afford to watch or would not be interested in classical productions. Natalie Portman is a high rated actress and is seem more relatable to these groups.

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