Thursday 1 October 2015

Delirium Film Poster Analysis

Age: 16-25
The colours pink and white suggest innocence and femininity. Also, the young actress on the front would appeal to a younger audience as she looks within this age range.

Gender: Female
Colour connotations to pink suggest femininity and is always related to females. This may mean the target audience is women as the main image is a female filtered pink. Also white is used which may portray innocence, also immediately connected with females rather than men. The person on the poster is female and is not sexualised so will appeal as relatable to girls.

Socio-economic group: C1, C2 and B
This looks as if it is perhaps a niche film as it is directed at a very narrow audience. People below group C2 don't tend to watch niche films as they are not shown in main cinemas.

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