Tuesday 13 October 2015

The Notorious B.I.G (Biggie Smalls) - Warning Music Video Analysis - Preproduction reasearch

Biggie is seen waking up out of bed with lots of girls in bed with him - shows he is very sexually active because of his fame
- Slow camera pan across bed to show how large the bed is, exaggerating the fact that he can afford expensive items such as a overly large bed. This also exaggerates how many girls are in bed with him.
Red text "warning' flashes in red, indicating that there is going to be a problem. Connotations of red suggest murder and hatred.
-Puff daddy is seen dropping a lot of money onto a table, immediately indicates these people are rich from the industry and maybe foreshadows that the "warning"/problem may be about money.
-One of Biggie's women puts, what looks like, a robe around him, suggesting that he is some kind of king or is teated like royalty as he is not dressing himself
Puff daddy and biggie are talking on the phone about people who want to kill him because of how much money he has. This explains the title f the song "warning'.

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