Tuesday 13 October 2015

Young Thug - Half Time Music Video Analysis - Preproduction reasearch

-Starts with hand held camera with various red and green filters
-Red shows power and dominance, Green represents money and envy, perhaps for the rich and famous
-Young thug is seen fixing his clothing - gold chains, expensive coat, jordans
-Walking through an airport, shows he has the money to travel a lot
-pulls out a gun and mimics shooting the camera, red filter - blood, shows that he will "kill" anyone who will try to take his fortune
-Wearing headphones, dancing, with lots of people, creates a true representation that he is very popular, music dominates his life, has lots of money
-shows him on the train, makes him look different from regular people, as if he is superior to them, him being in regular public exaggerates his wealth and status.
-Camera angle - always below him, makes him look dominating and superior to watchers and anyone around him
-raps about drug use and sex, showing he can get away with it because he is so famous
-Camera sways around and makes an impression that he is crazy as he pulls strange facial expressions
-Says how he owns Chanel vintage and how rare it is, shows he has a big ego and thinks he is better than everyone else who cannot afford his clothing
- Background is in colour but he is seen in black and white, this can suggest that he may be seen as a historical figure in time as we can only see them in black and white. As only he is in black and white this draws attention to him and singles him out from everyone else, suggesting that he is better.
-Pulls stacks of money out of pocket, kicks them onto the floor and urinates on them - this shows that he has excess money that he doesn't care about because he has so much of it, shows that money has no worth to him because he has that much of it.
-Him and his group are seen smoking large amounts of cannabis, which is a key part of the black hip hop/rap culture. He is representing a whole group of people (The hood in america) where cannabis is legal and shows the everyday life of these people.
-mise-en-scene - guns are seen placed on the tables and in his hand - represents war (perhaps drug war), violence and protection (for his money)

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