Thursday 15 October 2015

Rich Gang Album Cover Analysis

black has connotations of darkness, hate, mystery and power. negative connotation. when combined with red, creates an aggressive feel. black is also used as when other colours are put against it such as red and white, it contrasts well and makes images and text stand out.
Red has connotations of blood, fire, danger, anger and determination. Red is a stimulant colour which makes us, as the viewer, make quick decisions
The aggressive colour scheme represents the power, strength and fear of black african american males in deprived areas of america. On this CD cover, the males are purposely perceived as alpha males, intimidating, wealthy and serious. This is a clear representation of the music style as rap includes violent language, aggression, talk about hatred, wealth and power. 
Front cover font looks quite mechanical and bold which shows the seriousness and power of the artists. Dripping from the font represents blood, which shows life in these areas of America when gang members are heavily involved in murder. The star in the back represents how famous these celebrities are and how they think of themselves as stars; rap/hip hop usually consists of artists with big egos and that think a lot of themselves.
These artists are trying to give the representation of being aggressive and rich, hence the group name "rich gang". 
I believe this CD cover conforms to the stereotype of black male citizens in America. This is a representation of race, class and age (black ethnicity, upper class, age 20-35).

I believe the uses and gratifications of this album cover would be personal identity, entertainment and social integration. Personal Identity - Black youths in America, may be involved in crime/gangs. Or this may be for people who aspire to be this wealthy and follow the same path as the artists in what they have decided to do with there wealth (cars, women, big houses, guns, music).

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